  header ["Biloba STX refsheet" ]
  block [
    para [{This short document illustrates the most important forms available in Biloba STX. It is most useful if viewed in source form, instead of the rendered output.} ]
    header ["Structure" ]
    block [
      para [{body text is indented 2 blanks relative to its caption} ]
      header ["Sub-Section" ]
      block [
        header ["Sub-Sub-Section" ]
        block [
          line ["some text" ]
        header ["Sub-Sub-Section" ]
        block [
          line ["again, some text" ]
      para ["some text that adds to the body of " 
        emph ["Sub-Section" ]
    header ["Lists" ]
    block [
      para ["bullet lists introduced with a dash (or " 
        code ["o" ]", " 
        code ["*" ]",  " 
        code ["*)" ]")" ]
      para ["numbered lists introduced with a number (or " 
        code ["<number>." ]", " 
        code ["<number>)" ]" )" ]
      para [{Lists may be indented but are not required to be. To add a list directly after a caption, the list has to be  indented relative to the body of the section (that is 4 blanks relative to the caption, as the body is already indented 2 blanks)} ]
      header ["Example Bullet List" ]
      block [
        itemized [
          item ["item 1" ]
          item ["item 2" ]
          itemized [
            item ["subitem 2.1" ]
            item ["subitem 2.2" ]
          item ["item 3" ]
          item ["item 4" ]
      header ["Example Numbered List" ]
      block [
        ordered [
          item ["item 1" ]
          item ["item 2" ]
          ordered [
            item ["subitem 2.1" ]
            item ["subitem 2.2" ]
          item ["item 3" ]
          item ["item 4" ]
    header ["Term/Definition Pairs" ]
    block [
      line [{Term and its definition are separated by two dashes } 
        code ["--" ]"." ]
      termdef [
        term ["HTML" ]
        definition ["HyperText Markup Language" ]
        term ["XML" ]
        definition ["eXtensible Markup Language" ]
    header ["Figures" ]
    block [
      para [{Are created by spontaneous indentation. That is indenting after something not a caption. In order to prevent the line before a figure from becoming a caption, it has to span at least two lines.} ]
      figure [
        title ["Simple C Program" ]
        verbatim [{
#include <stdio.h>
#define S "Hello, World^A110;"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  exit(printf(S) == strlen(S) ? 0 : 1);
} ]
      para [{If the first line in a figure starts with a hash sign it is interpreted as the caption for the figure.} ]
    header ["Images" ]
    block [
      para ["Similiar to figures, but you have to add a " 
        code ["#type:image" ]{ line at the top of the figure. The figure's text is the path to the image.} ]
      figure [
        title [{Image of Ginkgo Leaves (Tamara Crupi, September 1996)} ]
        image ["../biloba.jpg" ]
    header ["Quotes" ]
    block [
      para [{The quote must be enclosed in double quotation marks. Quote and Source are separated by two dashes.} ]
      quote [
        speech [{Man is not the sum of what he has already, but rather the sum of what he does not yet have, of what he could have.} ]
        source ["Jean-Paul Sartre" ]
    header ["Inline Formatting" ]
    block [
      para ["Add " 
        emph ["emphasis" ]" or even " 
        strong ["stronger emphasis" ]". Sample text is enclosed in two pairs of " 
        code ["single quotation marks" ]"." ]
      para [{If you have to reflect a correction to text that was entered } 
        del ["fehlerhaft" ]" " 
        underlined ["incorrectly" ]", enclose the incorrect text in tilde characters " 
        code ["~" ]" and the correct text in underscore characters." ]